As the struggle against Iran and its proxies reaches a boiling point, while the future of Gaza and the fate of over 100 Israeli hostages remain uncertain, some Israeli civil society organizations are trying to turn the worst crisis in Israeli history into an opportunity for addressing some of the country’s biggest long-term challenges and thus ensure that the Jewish state emerges safer, more united, and more prosperous than ever. Yohanan Plesner, President of the Israel Democracy Institute, former Member of Knesset, and Special Forces reserve officer, will share his analysis of the current situation and IDI's plans for democratic renewal in the aftermath of this terrible war.

Refreshments will be served following the session.

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Yohanan Plesner President of IDI

Yohanan (Johan) Plesner is President of the Israel Democracy Institute. In 2006, he became the first Secretary-General of Israel's new ruling party, Kadima, and spearheaded the creation of the party's organizational infrastructure. From 2007 to 2013, he served as a Member of Knesset and was a member of the Constitution, Law and Justice, and Defense and Foreign Affairs Committees, Co-chair of the Knesset Lobby for Higher Education, and Chairman of the Knesset's permanent delegation to the Council of Europe.

The Israel Democracy Institute (IDI) is an independent center of research and action dedicated to strengthening the foundations of Israeli democracy. 

IDI works to bolster the values and institutions of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. A non-partisan think-and-do tank, the institute harnesses rigorous applied research to educate decision makers and help shape policy, legislation and public opinion. The institute partners with government, policy and decision makers, civil service and society, to improve the functioning of the government and its institutions, confront security threats while preserving civil liberties, and foster solidarity within Israeli society. Israel recognized the positive impact of IDI’s research and recommendations by conferring upon the institute its most prestigious award, the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement.


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